Maybe... a Space Journal
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
A Place To Start
I know this has to be Andrew's fault. I know I'm kinda starting in the wrong place, but no one but my crazy brother would have thought of this scheme.

I remember hearing the blurb on the evening news about people being frozen and chucked into orbit for storage - it's colder up there, less chance of malfunction or some utter line like that. I distinctly remember thinking, who in their idiotic mind would actually pay for that? Sending their loved ones off in little satellite clusters of tubes rotating around and around the planet until someone decided they could be defrosted and brought back to life - it really was complete crap... the exact kind of crap that Andrew would buy into.

Of course, I don't remember being dead... or dying for that matter. The last thing I remember was walking home after school one day. I think I waved to a student of mine. And then? Not sure.

I woke up in a white room. At first I thought I was in the hospital, except there were no doctors, and the bed I was on was directly on the floor. There was no other furniture in the room. The walls sloped slightly, like a dome. The floors wasn't quite straight either. There wasn't a straight line in the room. Everything was white and curvy. Especially me.

It was rather like trying on a new pair of glasses and seeing the world bent at the edges, but definitely had lost an semblance of a tan. I was a ghost, but not a skinny one. It didn't feel normal. It's hard to explain, but I knew that it had been a long time since I'd been conscious.

It was then that I noticed the little eye - the lens on a stick poking out and examining me from the wall. I noticed it even before I realized I was naked.

But again, I'm getting ahead of myself. I haven't even really explained anything yet. It's rather nebulous... trying to squish a few months worth of living into a few paragraphs. I'll have to think on it.
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